
We hope that you will enjoy eating and drinking with us, as a real ”Smålänning”. Our gastronomy is based on the very best local and ecological produce and is prepared using both classic and more modern techniques.



A place where business meets pleasure and gastronomy is closely interwoven with culture
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Despite the rather ascetic nature of the hard working local smålanders – PM Bistro is a lavish haven where pleasure is highly rewarded and the jante law is forthrightly forbidden! A place where business meets pleasure and gastronomy is closely interwoven with culture.

PM Bistro is a virtual cocktail with a twist of groovy Brooklyn, spiced up with a dash of lush Parisian Bistro with a steady dose of firm roots in the deep forests of Småland. To the soft jazzy background one is instantly lured into temptation by succumbing to a deliciously refreshing coupe de Champagne or meticulously shaken or stirred contemporary cocktail, while gazing through the menu or timidly studying the bible as the wine list have been baptized by pilgrimed wine lovers.

Whether one opts for the local Isterband quenched down with an honest big strong or settles for nothing less than a decadently rare Rib-Eye with homemade duck fat fries and a well-deserved large glass, filled with a deep purple, redolent and silky Pomerol – one can be assured that attention is paid to each and every detail by the friends at PM!


Bistro Menu

"Different occasions demands different menus, therefore we offer various menus, carefully selected by me and my colleagues". Anders Lauring, Head Chef.
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Lunch week 30 - Served Monday - Friday 11.30-13.30

Fish fricassee with roasted cauliflower, served with crudité on fennel and apple,
croutons and boiled new potatoes and a seafood velouté
159 SEK

Wallenbergare with green peas, lingonberries, mashed potatoes and cream sauce flavored with calvados
159 SEK

Roasted cauliflower with mashed potatoes, sauteed spinach and apple and a vinaigrette of browned butter,
Puy lentils and roasted hazelnuts
149 SEK

Please be aware that PM & Vänner Hotel do not accept cash as a payment method.

If you have a special dietary request which is not due to allergy or a medical condition,
a 20 SEK fee will be added to your check.

If you have any allergies or diet requests, please let us know

Saturday lunch 27th of July - Served from 12.00

Toast Skagen on brioche bread from Bröd & Sovel

Deep-fried haddock with salad on mâche, celery, apple and roasted almonds served with a white asparagus emulsion, blackened lemon and french fries

Two courses 349 SEK
Only main course 249 SEK

With the reservation we serve a limited amount of the dishes above during our Saturday lunch



Oysters, Fine de Claires N°2 39 SEK/pce

Kalix bleak roe from Br. Perssons in Piteå (30 gr.) served with brioche fried in
butter or a crispy potato pancake and classical condiments 399 SEK

Swedish caviar from Strömsnäsbruk in Småland, served with brioche fried in
butter or a crispy potato pancake and classical condiments 10 gram 395 SEK / 25 gram 795 SEK

Tartar of rhymed salmon and smoked salmon from Pålsson in Klasamåla,
served with trout roe, green tomatoes and melon, crispy potatoes and
tomato water flavored with lemon verbena and a jalepeño oil 299 SEK

Whole-fried cauliflower from Bjud at Söderslätt with roasted hazelnuts,
a truffle vinaigrette, a crème of cauliflower and crisps of Mörka Småland bread,
served with Spanish chervil from our garden and grated new summer truffle 269 SEK

Blackened scallop with pickled radishes and sea coral, served with rhymed cucumber
and radishes from Solmarka Farm, roasted seeds and an emulsion of Swedish miso 279 SEK

PM’s steak tartar with classical condiments and our house pommes frîtes
Small/Large 259/299 SEK
(Optional: Oyster 39 SEK or Bleak roe from Kalix 99 SEK)



Risotto with primeurs from our best growers, pecorino and matured Präst cheese,
served with roasted hazelnuts and herbs from PM’s garden 289 SEK
(Optional: Summer truffle 50 SEK)

Baked Swedish char with butter-tossed primeurs from Vassmolösa,
crunch of hazelnuts, new potatoes with spinach, served with a
white whine sauce with an oil flavored with chives and lovage from our garden 379 SEK

Steamed halibut from the Norwegian Sea with a fricassée of summer cabbage,
peas and mint leaves from our greenhouse, served with Botulf’s new potatoes and
a beurre blanc flavored with Gudrun’s elder flowers 489 SEK
(Optional: Summer truffle 50 SEK)

Grilled pluma from Halla Farm with a lukewarm salad of blackened primeurs and
pickled rhubarb from our garden, served with deep-fried new potatoes from
Botulf and a mayonnaise of rhymed lemon and Nduja 369 SEK

Dry-aged Swedish sirloin of free-range cattle from selected farms with a salad of
Oramata tomatoes, Flavance tomatoes and pickled small tomatoes from Orelunds Farm,
iced silverskin onions and a vinaigrette of herbs from PM’s garden,
served with our house pommes frîtes and Sauce Béarnaise 495 SEK



Three selected cheeses with nut bread 189 SEK

Planed “Tegel” cheese from Almnäs Bruk served with our own honey and grated truffle 219 SEK

Crème Brûlée 129 SEK

Helena’s dessert served in a glass with a raspberry compote with mint leaves from our
greenhouse, a milk chocolate mousse, a crème of white chocolate and salt mint meringue 139 SEK

Lime-marinated strawberries on an almond cake base with browned butter,
served with an elder flower bavaroise, lime curd and new-whipped vanilla ice cream 159 SEK

PM’s chocolate gâteau (gluten- and lactose free) 99 SEK

Truffle and chocolates 30 SEK/pce

PM-chocolate with a glass of digestive uniquely selected by the sommeliers
and a cup of freshly brewed coffee 199 SEK

Please be aware that we do not accept cash as payment method

If you have any allergies or diet requests, please let us know



Whole-fried cauliflower from Bjud at Söderslätt with roasted hazelnuts,a truffle vinaigrette,
a crème of cauliflower and crisps of Mörka Småland bread, served with
Spanish chervil from our garden and grated new summer truffle


Blackened scallop with pickled radishes and sea coral, served with rhymed cucumber and
radishes from Solmarka Farm, roasted seeds and an emulsion of Swedish miso



Baked Swedish char with butter-tossed primeurs from Vassmolösa,
crunch of hazelnuts, new potatoes with spinach, served with a
white whine sauce with an oil flavored with chives and lovage from our garden


Grilled pluma from Halla Farm with a lukewarm salad of blackened primeurs and
pickled rhubarb from our garden, served with deep-fried new potatoes from
Botulf and a mayonnaise of rhymed lemon and Nduja



Helena’s dessert served in a glass with a raspberry compote with
mint leaves from our greenhouse, a milk chocolate mousse,
a crème of white chocolate and salt mint meringue


Lime-marinated strawberries on an almond cake base with browned butter,
served with an elder flower bavaroise, lime curd and new-whipped vanilla ice cream



Three course menu 695 SEK

Two course menu 625 SEK

Cheese supplement 185 SEK

Digestive 199 SEK
(PM chocolate with a glass of digestive uniquely
selected by the sommeliers and a cup of freshly brewed coffee)



Three glasses 499 SEK, two glasses 329 SEK
(Selected wines from PM:s wine cellar)

If you have any allergies or diet requests, please let us know



Oysters, Fine de Claires N°2 39 SEK/pce

Kalix bleak roe from Br. Perssons in Piteå (30 g.) served with brioche fried
in butter or a crispy potato pancake and classical condiments 399 SEK

Swedish caviar from Strömsnäsbruk in Småland, served with brioche fried in
butter or a crispy potato pancake and classical condiments 10 gram 395 SEK / 25 gram 795 SEK

Blackened scallop with pickled radishes and sea coral, served with rhymed cucumber
and radishes from Solmarka Farm, roasted seeds and an emulsion of Swedish miso 259 SEK

PM’s steak tartar with classical condiments and our house pommes frîtes
Small/Large 259/299 SEK
(Optional: Oyster 39 SEK or Bleak roe from Kalix 99 SEK)



Risotto with primeurs from our best growers, pecorino and matured Präst cheese,
served with roasted hazelnuts and herbs from PM’s garden 269 SEK
(Optional: Summer truffle 50 SEK)

Baked Swedish char with butter-tossed primeurs from Vassmolösa, crunch of
hazelnuts, new potatoes with spinach, served with a white whine sauce
with an oil flavored with chives and lovage from our garden 369 SEK

PM’s steak tartar with classical condiments and our house pommes frîtes
Small/Large 259/299 SEK
(Optional: Oyster 39 SEK or Bleak roe from Kalix 99 SEK)

PM’s salad with cold smoked salmon from Pålsson in Klasamåla and
dill marinated new potatoes from Vassmolösa, served withsoft boiled ecological
egg from Gårdsby, cucumber and radishes from Botulf and an emulsion of
white asparagus and sourdough croutons from Bröd & Sovel small/large 229/269 SEK

”Steak Minute” 150 g tenderized sirloin steak with an emulsion of herbs and parmesan cheese, served with a crudité salad and our house pommes frîtes  289 SEK

Three different styles of “Småländska isterband” served with dill creamed potatoes,
beetroots, caper berries, red onions and homemade mustard “hommage à Magnus” 279 SEK



Three selected cheeses with nut bread 189 SEK

Planed “Tegel” cheese from Almnäs Bruk served with our own honey and grated truffle 219 SEK

Crème Brûlée 129 SEK

Helena’s dessert served in a glass with a raspberry compote with mint leaves from our
greenhouse, a milk chocolate mousse, a crème of white chocolate and salt mint meringue 139 SEK

PM’s chocolate gâteau (gluten- and lactose free) 99 SEK

Truffle and chocolate’s 30 SEK/pce

PM-chocolate with a glass of digestive uniquely selected by the sommeliers,
and a cup of freshly brewed coffee 199 SEK

If you have any allergies or diet requests, please let us know



Oysters, Fine de Claires N°2 39 SEK/pce

Kalix bleak roe from Br. Perssons in Piteå (30 gr.) served with brioche fried in
butter or a crispy potato pancake and classical condiments 399 SEK

Swedish caviar from Strömsnäsbruk in Småland, served with brioche fried in
butter or a crispy potato pancake and classical condiments 10 gram 395 SEK / 25 gram 795 SEK

Tartar of rhymed salmon and smoked salmon from Pålsson in Klasamåla,
served with trout roe, green tomatoes and melon, crispy potatoes and
tomato water flavored with lemon verbena and a jalepeño oil 299 SEK

Whole-fried cauliflower from Bjud at Söderslätt with roasted hazelnuts,
a truffle vinaigrette, a crème of cauliflower and crisps of Mörka Småland bread,
served with Spanish chervil from our garden and grated new summer truffle 269 SEK

Blackened scallop with pickled radishes and sea coral, served with rhymed cucumber
and radishes from Solmarka Farm, roasted seeds and an emulsion of Swedish miso 279 SEK

PM’s steak tartar with classical condiments and our house pommes frîtes
Small/Large 259/299 SEK
(Optional: Oyster 39 SEK or Bleak roe from Kalix 99 SEK)



Risotto with primeurs from our best growers, pecorino and matured Präst cheese,
served with roasted hazelnuts and herbs from PM’s garden 289 SEK
(Optional: Summer truffle 50 SEK)

Baked Swedish char with butter-tossed primeurs from Vassmolösa,
crunch of hazelnuts, new potatoes with spinach, served with a
white whine sauce with an oil flavored with chives and lovage from our garden 379 SEK

Steamed halibut from the Norwegian Sea with a fricassée of summer cabbage,
peas and mint leaves from our greenhouse, served with Botulf’s new potatoes and
a beurre blanc flavored with Gudrun’s elder flowers 489 SEK
(Optional: Summer truffle 50 SEK)

Grilled pluma from Halla Farm with a lukewarm salad of blackened primeurs and
pickled rhubarb from our garden, served with deep-fried new potatoes from
Botulf and a mayonnaise of rhymed lemon and Nduja 369 SEK

Dry-aged Swedish sirloin of free-range cattle from selected farms with a salad of
Oramata tomatoes, Flavance tomatoes and pickled small tomatoes from Orelunds Farm,
iced silverskin onions and a vinaigrette of herbs from PM’s garden,
served with our house pommes frîtes and Sauce Béarnaise 495 SEK



Three selected cheeses with nut bread 189 SEK

Planed “Tegel” cheese from Almnäs Bruk served with our own honey and grated truffle 219 SEK

Crème Brûlée 129 SEK

Helena’s dessert served in a glass with a raspberry compote with mint leaves from our
greenhouse, a milk chocolate mousse, a crème of white chocolate and salt mint meringue 139 SEK

Lime-marinated strawberries on an almond cake base with browned butter,
served with an elder flower bavaroise, lime curd and new-whipped vanilla ice cream 159 SEK

PM’s chocolate gâteau (gluten- and lactose free) 99 SEK

Truffle and chocolates 30 SEK/pce

PM-chocolate with a glass of digestive uniquely selected by the sommeliers
and a cup of freshly brewed coffee 199 SEK

Please be aware that we do not accept cash as payment method

If you have any allergies or diet requests, please let us know


Bistro information

Get in touch with us
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Monday 11.30-23.00
Tuesday 11.30-23.00
Wednesday 11.30-00.00
Thursday 11.30-00.00
Friday 11.30-01.00
Saturday 12.00-01.00
Sunday 17.00-23.00



Storgatan 22, 352 31 Växjö
Ph: +46 (0)470-75 97 10
(Please be aware that we do not accept
reservations by email)

Restaurateur and Creative Director:
Per Bengtsson

Executive Chef:
Anders Lauring

Wine Director:
Rubén Sanz Ramiro

Head Sommelier:
Arvid Lundström

Bistro Manager:
Samuel Sörgårn 

Food and Beverage Manager:
Sebastian Svensson

Henrik Westin, Tonie Ingvarsson,
Sebastian Svensson & Ulrika Bohman
